
My recipe box is an extension of my restaurant review blog Taste Buds.  Here, I want to share some of my favorite recipes I've collected over the years. Some of these recipes were shared by friends and others I've stumbled upon in a book, website or magazine and adapted to make my own.  I have to admit though I do have an ulterior motive.  I don't write many of these recipes down, so I am winging it most of the time.  I hope by writing down these recipes to share with you I have a better reference and the food will be more consistent.

Another reason I wanted to start this blog is to try and keep part of my Vietnamese heritage alive. In my house, my brother and I are the ones who cook the American dishes.  My mother take cares of the Vietnamese food. I love my mother's cooking but there's a slim chance I will be able to duplicate it.  The reason.. she doesn't cook using recipes either.  It's all based on taste and it doesn't help that she puts her own spin on everything. I plan to shadow her and pry out all her cooking secrets and then put it "writing."  Hopefully, I will be able to one day make the same food I grew up eating for my kids.

Happy Dining


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